Did you know you can save between 15% and 40% by bidding out your landscaping and mowing services separately? Many landscaping companies try to perform too many services and end up skimping on some of them. At Just Mowing Inc, we live up to our name. We don’t think creating flower beds involves the same skills that mowing lawns does. We always ask our customers, “would you pay an artist to paint your office?” Of course not! While artists are very creative, they don’t always make for an office décor that makes sense. Mowing lawns and other landscaping services involve very different skill sets, so we choose to concentrate on the mowing aspect and do that as well as possible. If you’re sick and tired of taking care of lawn mowing yourself on your rental properties, or feel you’re paying too much for these services. Call our lawn care maintenance company at 814-315-3892 and find out how we can help you save money!
For some of our commercial accounts, as well as larger ones, we do provide some basic landscaping services. Please call us at 814-315-3892 to inquire about this further.